Activity for mkrispin

  • mkrispin mkrispin posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    The original question is nearly 1 year ago, but I have the same question, how to create conditional events to store in a log event database. That could be alarm or free conditions, let say just values to save every midnight etc. I don't want to spend a trend for all of them.

  • mkrispin mkrispin posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi All, thank you very much for your help. I think I understand now how that works with the pointer . I'm wondering only because I have used ANY at other parts without any problem. Where I run now into a compiler error , I will implement the pointer solution, but is not a quick short code anymore :-( Best Regards Michael

  • mkrispin mkrispin posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    OK, i give up, bend down to the ground and pray to the holy web master, who programmed to change a single underline into a font action, even in quotations :-((

  • mkrispin mkrispin posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Oh, why are the underline left and right of the characters are cut? I want to write "N" ...

  • mkrispin mkrispin posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi Aliazzz, thanks for the Tip.I tried even with quotation and other special Character. Don't know why I did not test with underline, maybe it was late. Anyway , I will name now all the 4 main directions to N, E , S, W . Then all have the same 3 char length, and they peak even stronger up :-)

  • mkrispin mkrispin posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi i-campbell, thanks for your answer. I had checked that description of ANY, but it does not help me further. I thought when I write does anyone have an idea what is wrong do implicate that I look also for a solution. So, I will precise my question: How can I get the required function with any even combined number type (INT,WORD,REAL) to compare if a value is in between a range.

  • mkrispin mkrispin posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi, I would like to create a simple function to compare if a value is like Value in between or equal to two limits, similar to the standard comparism functions LE or GE In principal the function look like: OUT := (nIN >= nLo) And (nIN <= nHi) All input parameters nIN, nLo, nHi are declared as ANY_NUM FUNCTION BTWEQ VAR_INPUT nIN : ANY_NUM; nLO : ANY_NUM; nHI : ANY_NUM; END_VAR BTWEQ := (nIN >= nLO) AND (nIN <= nHI); In Library Util is a FB LIMIT_ALARM which do that what I want, but is limited to...

  • mkrispin mkrispin posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi All, I would like to build an enumeration for the main wind directions like N,NNW,NWW etc. There is one problem with S, because S is a reserved name for Set in flip-flops. How can I declare S as a member of the enumeration WindDir? TYPE eWINDDIR : ( N := 1, NNE := 2, NEE := 3, E := 4, SEE := 5, SSE := 6, S := 7, SSW := 8, SWW := 9, W := 10, NWW := 11, NWN := 12); ); END_TYPE Thank You and Best Regards, Michael

  • mkrispin mkrispin posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    Hi Edwin, I just bought that License Dongle and two new Raspi MC license. I have activated first only one license to the Dongle and I can see the license when I select the container Local: CmStick xxx. How can I link now this license to a Raspi to get this out from the demo mode? I couldn't find that step. Everything what I found was how to activate a license on whatever device. I'm sure, you have a quick and dirty PDF Guide in your drawer. Thank You and Best Regards, Michael , Thailand