Activity for mogam

  • mogam mogam posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hi everyone, I have a my App that reads values from a shared memory than 2 variables x,y were calculated. here as you can see in my code: PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR szName : STRING := '/SM'; ( Name of the shared memory.) uxiSize : __UXINT := 646 * 2 * SIZEOF(REAL); ( Size of the shared memory. ) hShm : RTS_IEC_HANDLE; ( Handle to the shared memory ) pStart : POINTER TO REAL; ( Pointer to the first element in the memory ) pData : POINTER TO REAL; ( Pointer, which is incremented until the last sign in the...

  • mogam mogam posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hi everyone, I have a my App that reads values from a shared memory than 2 variables x,y were calculated. here as you can see in my code: PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR szName : STRING := '/SM'; ( Name of the shared memory.) uxiSize : __UXINT := 646 * 2 * SIZEOF(REAL); ( Size of the shared memory. ) hShm : RTS_IEC_HANDLE; ( Handle to the shared memory ) pStart : POINTER TO REAL; ( Pointer to the first element in the memory ) pData : POINTER TO REAL; ( Pointer, which is incremented until the last sign in the...