Statistics about moh80636's contribution

General statistics

Parameter Date Time interval
Registration date 22 Oct 2024, 12:21:10 (UTC) 6 days ago
Last login 22 Oct 2024, 14:58:47 (UTC) 5 days ago

Contribution statistics

Parameter Total value Average per-month value Last 30 days
Logins 2 n/a 2
Commits number 2 n/a 2
Added/modified LOCs 106 n/a 106
Total number of created artifacts 1 n/a 1
Total number of edited artifacts 0 n/a 0
Created Wiki artifacts 1 n/a 1
Edited Wiki artifacts 0 n/a 0
Assigned tickets 0 n/a 0
Revoked tickets 0 n/a 0
Solved tickets 0 n/a 0
Average tickets solving time n/a n/a n/a

Preferred categories

The following table shows the number projects tagged as belonging to each single category in which this user is involved.

Category name Number of projects
Home Automation 1