write8 write8(1, 16#40); If i understand it correct should this write BIT 4 in register 01? write HoldCmd :BYTE :=16#F4; write(ADR(HoldCmd),1); This will write a byte into register 16 # F4. But what bits? All to 1 or all to 0 or something completely different? writeBits But unfortunately I have no idea how to use this command. I would be very grateful for a short description Input usiRegister USINT register usiFirstBit USINT highest value bit to write (0..7) usiLength USINT number of bits to write...
Hello everybody, I need a brief explanation. I would like to create an i2C library in which I have to write individual bits in different registers. Specifically, this means Register (0x01) Bit 4 Possibly can someone write me a short code how this works. I have the following methods available within the library. write write8 writebits Thanks in advance.
Hallo zusammen, ich versuche jetzt schon einige Tage einen CCS811 Sensor zum laufen zu bekommen. Datasheet: https://www.sciosense.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/SC-001232-DS-2-CCS811B-Datasheet-Revision-2.pdf Leider scheitere ich daran die Register zu beschreiben. Ich denke ich benötige an dieser Stelle Hilfe eines Profis. Die Slave Adresse lautet : slave address 0x5A; sudo i2cdetect -y 1 zeigt mir diese auch korrekt an. Nun möchte ich das Register 16#01 beschreiben mit Mode4. 0x01 MEAS_MODE R/W...