a overall-information doesn't exist public. i made a long time ago a library by catching all punluc settings and/or configfiles. if u have a special question, i'll try to find it out
please post your codesyscontrol.cfg and codesyscontrol_user.cfg in most cases there are misconfigs or missing entrys the reason. also the fact that in most cases codesys isnt running as rt-application on raspberry needs special eyes on
inside the fb, use the reflection-attribute and get the instancename includibg whole path.when im right, the applicationname will also reflected, if yes. you have to trim it. https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Development%20System/_cds_pragma_attribute_instance_path.html
the codemeter deb files are part of the runtime-sl-installatonfiles. so u can download the whole raspberry pi package from store-page, unzip it with a progam like 7zip, there you'll find a folder called dependencys i thing. here should the deb files placed
the codemeter den files are part of the runtime-sl-installatoonfiles. sp u can download the whole raspberry pi package , unzip it with a progam like 7zip, there you'll find a folder called dependencys i thing. here should the deb files placed
auch solltest du aus dem docker container heraus prüfen/sicherstellen das der usb-stick vom container aus zugegriffen werden kann.
hast du geprüft das der Wibu-Service von Codesys korrekt installiert ist und auch läuft. wird der CmContainer sauber erkannt? Welche ausgabe ist auf der console wenn der usb stick angesteckt ist wenn du lsusb eingjbst??
in the codesyscontrol.cfg or codesyscontrol_user.cfg you have to declare whoch comport-ports from runtime are used. please tell us how the comport is called in linux an post the codesyscontrol.cfg files also write down here, which parameters are used in the python-script and what is parameteized in the modbus-master-comport of your codesys-application. mostly the errors occurs in ine of these areas