Activity for pethun

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hi We upgraded our ptoject from 3.5.19 to 3.5.20 but we get an error message in the latest version. We made our own trend function and its related to this we get error message: Trend_Menu Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0032: Cannot convert type 'RTS_SYSTIMEDATE(systimertc, (system))' to type 'RTS_SYSTIMEDATE(systimertc, (system))' The variables are defined as follow: start : SysTimeRtc.SYSTIMEDATE; end : SysTimeRtc.SYSTIMEDATE; The code that creates the error is the variable start...

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hi We upgraded our ptoject from 3.5.19 to 3.5.20 but we get an error message in the latest version. We made our own trend function and its related to this we get error message: Trend_Menu Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0032: Cannot convert type 'RTS_SYSTIMEDATE(systimertc, (system))' to type 'RTS_SYSTIMEDATE(systimertc, (system))' The variables are defined as follow: start : SysTimeRtc.SYSTIMEDATE; end : SysTimeRtc.SYSTIMEDATE; The code that creates the error is the variable start...

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Hi All, Is there a way to change the default port for ssh to a different port instead of standard 22? Since SSH port are targeted for hostile login attempt there should be a possibility to use another port.

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    I found a solution to may problem. It's the ssh server denying the connetion from Codesys. The ssh server "no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss" I added following two lines into my linux server /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa This solved the problem. Maybe not the best solution since its an security issue but it might be fixed in latest codesys development software?

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    I found a solution to may problem. It's the ssh server denying the connetion from Codesys. The ssh server "no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss" I added following two lines into my linux server /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa This solved the problem. Maybe not the best solution since its an security issue but it might be fixed in latest codesys development software?

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    i have exactly the same issue. im having a ubuntu 22.04 server and can connect over ssh in win terminal but in codesys i've get closed by remote host. same as above. anybody who could advise?

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hi, I'm using the Mailservice library but I have problem with my attachment file getting corrupted. There is a limitation mentioned "The maximum size of an email (maximum size of the send/receive buffer) is limited to 32,767 bytes." The size of my attachment is 57kB Is this the reason why my attachment gets corrupted and if so is there any way to increase the send buffert? Is there anyone else having the same experience and possible solution to the problem? Thanks /peter

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Still I dont understand? Maybe you cold send a link or something so I could investigate?

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Thanks for answer eschwellinger! I tried to right click in the plc logger online but didn't get any messages or nothing?

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Thanks for your answer Morberis I've extended the tasktime and then it seems to be running but I've received buffer full messages/warning. I will increase the buffer size from 40000 up to 50000 and see what happens. Would be nice to understand whats causing the problem?

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hi, I have an application which using the AC_DataLogManager function to create csv file. After about 24h running I get following error: 2021-02-09T13:04:04Z, 0x00000011, 8, 81, 3, #### Exception: EXCEPTION [<excpt>AccessViolation</excpt>] occurred: App=[<app>Application</app>], Task=[<task>DataLogHighTask</task>] 2021-02-09T13:04:04Z, 0x00000011, 8, 81, 3, #### Exception: SOURCEPOSITION App=[<app>Application</app>] area=3, offset=<off>2413856</off> Is there anyone who can give me a hint what the...

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 🇬🇧

    OK as an update I managed to fixed the problem by installing Multiarch-support with these commands: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12 sudo apt update sudo apt install libpng12-0 That fixed the problem Thanks

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 🇬🇧

    Hi, I have exactly the same error on a fresh ubuntu20.04 server install but I dont understand how to fix it? I did the multiarch-support but that didn't solve the problem? Maybe I'm missing something?

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    OK Verified Don't use TLS with “Mail Service” in IIoT Libraries SL. It will not work. Tested with Mailtrap. Any comment that as a better knowledge aobout TLS? Thanks in advance.

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    As a try for clarification and beter understanding. I've tested the library “Mail Service” in IIoT Libraries SL a bit further with Mailtrap and it seems that you can't use TLS checkbox within any of the ports 25, 587, 465 or 2525? Is this related to that the STARTTLS protocol isn't yet supported? Sorry for my ignorance? Any help or guidance about TLS “Mail Service” in IIoT Libraries SL appreciated? Thanks in advance

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Ok i-campbell Thanks for your reply:So then I will not waste any more time to have email to work together with Outlook as server. Also I thing it's of no use trying with gmail since this is also well protected against use as being used as a spam SMTP server. Will try using Mailtrap to verify that my emails are comming through. Again Thanks

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hi all I'm trying to send email through my outlook account but it doesent work. I'm using the example project "mail service SL example" but for some reason it doesen't work. I use '', port=587 but I get error code error_check_result_failed 5023? Has any anyone got the library “Mail Service” in IIoT Libraries SL to work with Outlook as mail server? I made asmall python script and then it works but not through codesys and the library. Please help? All answers is highly appreciated....

  • pethun pethun posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 🇬🇧

    Hi all I'm trying to send email through my outlook account but it doesent work. I'm using the example project "mail service SL example" but for some reason it doesen't work. I use '', port=587 but I get error code error_check_result_failed 5023? Has any anyone got the library “Mail Service” in IIoT Libraries SL to work with Outlook as mail server? I made asmall python script and then it works but not through codesys and the library. Please help? All answers is highly appreciated....