Hello, I tried to write a XML file with XMLWriteAsync. Unfortunately after every Element it adds two CR and one LF. Is it possible to have only one CR and LF. Thanks for the support
Hello together, hopefully somebody could help me. I wanted to import a certificate to trusted folder using the plc shell (cert-import). Does somebody know how I can do it with the library CmpPLCShell Thank you for your support.
Hello eschwellinger, at first thank you for your answer. So the only ways to activate the user management are CodeSys delevelopment enviroment and the Codesys Automation Server. So there is no function to activate the user management via code? Do you have an idea how to get back the users when somebody replaced the PLC. Our customers have only our own developed visualization and they also don't want to install further softwares. Do you maybe have a solution for this
Hello CodeSYS community, Is there a CodeSys function with which you can activate user management or is this only possible with the CodeSYS development environment? Thanks for the support