Activity for Rampage_Rick

  • Rampage_Rick Rampage_Rick modified a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    pbPayload is a pointer, which it expects to point at a STRING. If you point it at an address holding a different data type, it will just assume those bytes are part of a string and likely trundle along memory until it finds a null byte (0x00) that would normally signify the end of a string PublishMessage := BOOL_TO_STRING(boolVariable);

  • Rampage_Rick Rampage_Rick posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    pbPaylod is a pointer, which it expects to point at a STRING. If you point it at an address holding a different data type, it will just assume those bytes are part of a string and likely trundle along memory until it finds a null byte (0x00) that would normally signify the end of a string PublishMessage := BOOL_TO_STRING(boolVariable);