Hello, I'm looking for a way to set my client certificate, not one which self-signed cert generated with CODESYS, for OPC UA connection via datasource linking. Does anyone know how to archive that? BR,
Hello, I am trying to implement a FB to make JSON formatted WSTRING type message using JSON Utilities included in the IIoT library. In my case, I want to set some objects or arrays and set values to them later. But when I wrote as the sample below, // init builder builder(pJsonData:=pJsonData, diRootObj=>diRootObj); // set the 1st key to root diKey1 := builder.SetKeyWithArray(wsKey:="key1", diParentIndex:=diRootObj, eError=>eError); // set a value to the 1st key wsValue:="value01"; builder.SetValue(Value:=wsValue,...
Your issue seems to be the same as mine: the display range does not exceed the recording trend range. This appears to be a limitation of the current method... In my case, I verified the date range in the trend storage and compared it with the 'timestampfrom' and 'timestampto'. If the requested range falls outside the recorded data, I activated a message to notify the user.
You firstly tried as followings but it doesn't work, right? pDT := pbNewValue; dTemp := pDT^; It worked in my case. CODESYS and CODESYS Visualization is my environment. Actually, a date time picker element calls the event handler for several times while changing operation, but it triggers the event with desired value on the last call. Doesn't it?
I resolved it myself. To achieve this, create a FB which implements VisuElems.IValueChangedListener and Implement the method "ValueChanged". METHOD ValueChanged : BOOL VAR_INPUT itfVisualization : VisuElems.IVisualisation; ... pbNewValue : POINTER TO BYTE; ... END_VAR VAR instIDateRangeSelectorClient:VisuElemTrace.IDateRangeSelectorClient; instITimeSelectorClient:VisuElemTrace.ITimeSelectorClient; i:INT; pArrElems:POINTER TO ARRAY[0..10] OF VisuElems.IVisualElement; icount:INT; liTimestampFrom:LINT;...
I resolved it myself. To achieve this, create a FB which implements VisuElems.IValueChangedListener and Implement the method "ValueChanged". METHOD ValueChanged : BOOL VAR_INPUT itfVisualization : VisuElems.IVisualisation; ... pbNewValue : POINTER TO BYTE; ... END_VAR VAR instIDateRangeSelectorClient:VisuElemTrace.IDateRangeSelectorClient; instITimeSelectorClient:VisuElemTrace.ITimeSelectorClient; pinstVisuFbFrame:POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuFbFrame; instVisu:VisuElems.IVisualisation; elementInfo:VisuElems.Visu_StructElementInfo;...
Self resolved. Changing readLen := SysFileRead(hFile:=hFile, pbyBuffer:=pbyBuffer, ulSize:=udiMaxNrBytes, pResult:=ADR(error)); to readLen := SysFileRead(hFile:=hFile, pbyBuffer:=pbyBuffer, ulSize:=udiMaxNrBytes-10, pResult:=ADR(error)); cleared the problem. But still, I don't understand why that happens.
Hello, I am working on downloading a file exists on remote controller over WebVisu. Following the file transfer example , I prepared a FB implements IVisuStreamReader to use file transfer feature on Visu as the screenshot attached, and it works with some small files enough to read whole content in 1 scan. But with larger file, downloaded file contains only the end part of the original file. Does anyone know how to fix this? Best regards,
I guess the range can be managed using VisuElemsDateTime_Interfaces.IDateRangeSelectorClient.SetCurrentRange() method. But I have no idea how to get the instance of the Trend element. Does anyone know any way to get the instance by element ID, name or something?
Hi, I know showing range of the trend visualization can be controlled with the date range picker and the time range picker. Is there any way to control the range of the trend graph through variables? (like with start/end DATE_AND_TIME vars) I want to change the range with date/time picker to show historical data. Best regards,
timvh, I didn't know this library... OK, gonna try with it. Thank you for your reply.
Paro, The post is very good to me! Ah hah, it's on Deutsch forum... Thank you.
timvh, I didn't know this library... OK, gonna to try with it. Thank you for your reply.
Hello, Does any one have any idea how to get current Visualization while multiple clients are accessible to WebVisu? I have tried to use VisuElems.CURRENTVISU, but its value seems to be shared with other clients on WebVisu. How can I know shown Visualization of each clients of WebVisu and control it sepalatedly? Best regards,
Hello, Does any one have any idea how to get current Visualization while multiple clients are accessible to WebVisu? I have tried to use VisuElems.CURRENTVISU, but its value seems to be shared with other clients on WebVisu. How can I control shown Visualizations of many clients of WebVisu sepalatedly? Best regards,