Hallo zusammen, für den Aufruf VAR deviceDiag: J1939.IJ1939LocalECU; END_VAR deviceDiag.ChangeAddress(5); gibt es mit der Version der Lib IoDrvJ1939 Übersetzungsfehler - C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'deviceDiag.ChangeAddress' erwartet - C0004: 'ChangeAddress' ist keine Komponente von 'IJ1939LocalECU__Union' Mit der bisher verwendeten Lib-version nicht und auch das Setzen der device adress hat funktioniert. Lt. Release notes ("J1939: ChangeAddress...
What would you suggest? I'm using a laptop i7 2.6GHz, 32GB RAM Taskmanager says 12% CPU load and 1GB used by Codesys actually, while Codesysis not responding for more than 10 minutes. Does Codesys check for updates of libs, licenses and other stuff?
Hi, how can starting IDE and opening project be speeded up? Opening a project when IDE is already running takes 5 minutes or even more.
Hi, I'm using Codesys V3.5.16.40 with Windows 64 Bit RTE V3.5.16.40 When the node is configured to be reset (flag in general setting of Canopen node), the Master doesn't wait until the node send its bootup message. The master starts with SDO request for device type (OD 1000h) after 1st node sends its bootup message and this leads to SDO timeout errors. Sometimes it also happens for other SDOs configuring PDOs. If disabling this general reset flag for the node, node configuration succeeds. How can...
Hi, it don't work - win device manager: device could not be started. Code 10, IO device is wrong configured or configuration parameter for driver wrong. How does bug report and check on our device work?
Thank you very much, but unfortunately it still doesn't work. I tried to install the driver under Windows 10 (64Bit) by using Windows device manager in C:\Program Files\CODESYS\CODESYS Control RTE3\W2K_XP_Drivers\Peak_CAN. But Windows doesn't find a matching driver in this directory! This directory contains only 3 files: - peak_can_pci.cat - Peak_Can_Pci.inf - RTIOwdmGeneric.sys It is a Windows 10 64Bit system. Maybe a 32Bit Windows is mandatory? Thanks in advance Regards Siggi95
Hello, sorry, but where can I find this driver and how it is to configured in CODESYSControl_User.cfg?
Hello, network controller\details: hw ids: PCI\VEN_001C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_0014001C&REV_01 PCI\VEN_001C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_0014001C PCI\VEN_001C&DEV_0013&CC_028000 PCI\VEN_001C&DEV_0013&CC_0280 compatible ids: PCI\VEN_001C&DEV_0013&REV_01 PCI\VEN_001C&DEV_0013 PCI\VEN_001C&CC_028000 PCI\VEN_001C&CC_0280 PCI\VEN_001C PCI\CC_028000 PCI\CC_0280 if you need more information, please let me know. thank you