The codesys application license allows the use of up to 4 fieldbus instances (eg Modbus). I need to use more instances than that. Can I use the Modbus library instead? Does this usage require a license? Similar to other libraries such as CanOpen, Modbus TCP...
The codesys application license allows the use of up to 4 fieldbus connections (eg Modbus). I need to use more connections than that. Can I use the Modbus library instead? Does this usage require a license? Similar to other libraries such as CanOpen, Modbus TCP...
I've plant to use CoDesys runtime with PLC program on Beaglebone Black (Debian IoT 10 OS). Beside, I write some python scripts with I2C multiplexer and some I2C slaves. Data read from I2C slaves then exchange with CoDesys via OPC UA. In python scripts, I need to use some GPIOs. CoDesys runtime also use some other GPIOs to control relay, etc.. . So, is it possible to use python scripts and CoDesys at the same time to access GPIO on Beaglebone Black.
Hi Girimugundan Could you tell me ho to patch rt kernel for BBB Debian 10 IoT? And I also want to run GUI apps (Not web browser) on BBB, then I need lightest weight package to save more resource of BBB. So, is LXDE the best choice? And could you tell me command to install LXDE right way? Tks
I've install LXDE on BBB and run Firefox browser with localhost:9090 to connect BBB Codesys runtime on the same BBB board. Everything is ok but system run verry slow. Is BBB support TargetVisu and how can i get demo TargetVisu package to test?
I've successful install Codesys for BBB few days ago. But now when I reinstall my BBB board with new image (Debian flasher eMMC v10) and cannot reinstall Codesys for BBB ver4.0.0 without any error. Help me pls. Tks
Sorry, I may have described the project unclear. If I want to use BBB as PLC, I must get CODESYS Control for BBB SL. And If I want to use BBB as HMI (exp: to connect Siemens PLC), I must get CODESYS TargetVisu SL. So, if I want to use BBB as All in one PLC + HMI, do I need all these licenses? Webvisu may be good but I'd like to use HMI app. Tks
Tks for your reply I mean I want to run codesys visualization on the same board without web browser. Do I need additional CODESYS TargetVisu SL?