Activity for teichhei

  • teichhei teichhei posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    After correspondence with Mr Schwellinger from Codesys the resolution for this was to uninstall the SL 4.14 and install SL 4.13 on the device. Once this was done the licensing worked as expected. I noted that the container then showed a Version 3.00 and not 0.00.

  • teichhei teichhei modified a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Update, installed with the same result. The error message is as useful as a chocolate fire guard. The container SN is in the 130-xxx range which should work. The Version, Chip, Rev number don't mean anything to me. There is no SD Card installed. I've also reinstalled a fresh Wago FW22 image, Deployed PFC200 SL and Edge for Linux, still the same result.

  • teichhei teichhei posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Update, installed with the same result. The error message is as useful as a chocolate fire guard. The container SN is in the 130-xxx range which should work. The Version, Chip, Rev number don't mean anything to me. There is no SD Card installed.

  • teichhei teichhei posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Don't I need a browser on the device for web depot? Could work on the Pi but not the Wago controller. Maximum I have is SSH.

  • teichhei teichhei posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Hi, When trying to activate a control Basic L license on a Wago PFC200 750-8203 the error The selected container ... does not fit your ticket comes up and won't allow licensing. I have deleted the /var/opt/codesys/cmact_license/ content 3 times and the container number changed each time after a reboot, but the problem persists. Not a happy first time experience with those weird application based licenses. IDE is 19.20. This was a e!Cockpit FW22 PLC and I used Deploy Control SL to make the green web...

  • teichhei teichhei posted a comment on discussion Visualization 🇬🇧

    Hello Edwin, Can you please check the thread? It looks like things went missing on there. I can't find that user management example. I'm working on something similar but I'm having issues with a text field updating like OnClick -> sTextvariable[VisuElems.g_ClientManager.GetClientId(THIS^._pCurrentClientData)] It works fine with a button but not with text field and I can't see how to link CURRRENTCLIENTID and GetClientId() I was hoping to find that in the example.

  • teichhei teichhei modified a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Hallo Zusammen, Die Beispiele zu VisuUtils habe ich mir angesehen. Ich habe allerdings ein Verständnisproblem wie ich eine Eingabe in einer Visu dieser bestimmten Visu ID zuordnen kann. Ich möchte eine Zufallszahl beim drücken eines Buttons zusammen mit der client ID speichern. Wenn and diesem Client dann die gleiche Zahl eingegeben wird, soll nur an dieser Visu ein Benutzer eingeloggt werden (2FA). Kann ich mit execute ST die client ID des ausführenden clients in einer globalen variable speichern?...

  • teichhei teichhei posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Hallo Zusammen, Die Beispiele zu VisuUtils habe ich mir angesehen. Ich habe allerdings ein Verständnisproblem wie ich eine Eingabe in einer Visu dieser bestimmten Visu ID zuordnen kann. Ich möchte eine Zufallszahl beim drücken eines Buttons zusammen mit der client ID speichern. Wenn and diesem Client dann die gleiche Zahl eingegeben wird, soll nur an dieser Visu ein Benutzer eingeloggt werden (2FA). Kann ich mit execute ST die client ID des ausführenden clients in einer globalen variable speichern?...