According to the documentation: You need to create a Channel to read 2 registers from address 143 to get the lattitude. It doesn't specify if you need to read it as a Holding Register or as an Input Register. You could try both. So in the Teltonika router, you need to enable it as being a Modbus Server. Then in CODESYS add an Ethernet Adapter, then a Modbus Client (Master) and to the Client (Master) add the Modbus Server (Slave). Set the IP address...
You can consider using OR_ELSE: Coils[0] := Coils[0] OR_ELSE (Buttons[0] AND Sensors[0] > 6); IF Coils[0] is TRUE, then the rest is not relevant anymore and doesn't have to be evaluated anymore. PS, there is also an AND_THEN
Maybe the ANY type can help?
Go to the menu Tools - CODESYS Installer. Here you can manage your add-on packages. Go to Browse, find CODESYS Communication and install this add-on.
Take a look at the following for the possible location:
In your soft plc folder, there is a file called targetvisuextern.cfg. Open this with a text editor to change the settings. Remove the semi-colons in front of the lines to enable your custom window settings. WindowType=0 means you will get a moveable window. Save the file and restart the soft PLC to enable these settings.
Double click on the device (communication settings). At the top of this Window, go to Device -Options. Disable the option "Confirmed online mode".