Maybe this helps:
Which PLC do you use? If it is a standard CODESYS Runtime (from the store), then maybe update the device in your project to the latest version. If it is not a standard CODESYS Runtime, then maybe contact the supplier.
1) In the library manager of your project select "Download missing libraries". 2) In the library manager open the "Placeholders" dialog. In here find the Placeholder which is not referenced to a specific library yet. Click in this line on the Library column and select the latest version of this library.
Maybe it is better to use the functionality of the Extension Package:
According to the documentation: You need to create a Channel to read 2 registers from address 143 to get the lattitude. It doesn't specify if you need to read it as a Holding Register or as an Input Register. You could try both. So in the Teltonika router, you need to enable it as being a Modbus Server. Then in CODESYS add an Ethernet Adapter, then a Modbus Client (Master) and to the Client (Master) add the Modbus Server (Slave). Set the IP address...
You can consider using OR_ELSE: Coils[0] := Coils[0] OR_ELSE (Buttons[0] AND Sensors[0] > 6); IF Coils[0] is TRUE, then the rest is not relevant anymore and doesn't have to be evaluated anymore. PS, there is also an AND_THEN
Maybe the ANY type can help?