Activity for wb16

  • wb16 wb16 modified a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hello Zol6, Have you solved this issue? I use Festo PLC CPX-E-CEC-C1 to create alarm monitoring project. In CODESYS V3.5-SP18 I used the Alarm Storage object and have the same problem. Is it the PLC that is not compatible or the version of the library is not match? Best, wb16

  • wb16 wb16 posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hello Zol6, Have you solved this issue? I use Festo PLC CPX-E-CEC-C1 to create alarm monitoring project. In CODESYS V3.5-SP18 I used the Alarm Storage object and have the same problem. Is it the PLC that is not compatible or the version of the library is not match?