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REM Run this batch file to create a package for the stepper driver REM You need to store the library SM3_Drive_RaspiStepper.library in the REM same folder first. @echo off SET PACKAGENAME=sm3raspi-stepper rmdir /S /Q %PACKAGENAME% mkdir %PACKAGENAME% xcopy /E package %PACKAGENAME% mkdir %PACKAGENAME%\Component mkdir %PACKAGENAME%\Component\DeviceDescription_Direct mkdir %PACKAGENAME%\Component\DeviceDescription_PulsDir mkdir %PACKAGENAME%\Component\Library mkdir %PACKAGENAME%\Component\Project xcopy StepperTestProject.project %PACKAGENAME%\Component\Project xcopy devices\SM3_Drive_RaspiStepper_Direct.devdesc.xml %PACKAGENAME%\Component\DeviceDescription_Direct\ xcopy devices\StandardParameters.xml %PACKAGENAME%\Component\DeviceDescription_Direct\ xcopy devices\SoftMotion_Raspi_Stepper.ico %PACKAGENAME%\Component\DeviceDescription_Direct\ xcopy devices\SM3_Drive_RaspiStepper_PulsDir.devdesc.xml %PACKAGENAME%\Component\DeviceDescription_PulsDir\ xcopy devices\StandardParameters.xml %PACKAGENAME%\Component\DeviceDescription_PulsDir\ xcopy devices\SoftMotion_Raspi_Stepper.ico %PACKAGENAME%\Component\DeviceDescription_PulsDir\ xcopy SM3_Drive_RaspiStepper.library %PACKAGENAME%\Component\Library\ del cd %PACKAGENAME% zip -r -9 ../ * cd .. del /Q %PACKAGENAME%.package rename %PACKAGENAME%.package rmdir /S /Q %PACKAGENAME%