Diff of /trunk/ [000000] .. [r4]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a
+++ b/trunk/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<DeviceDescription xmlns="http://www.3s-software.com/schemas/DeviceDescription-1.0.xsd" xmlns:ts="http://www.3s-software.com/schemas/TargetSettings-0.1.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <Types namespace="local">
+    <BitfieldType basetype="std:BYTE" name="TBitStringByte">
+      <Component identifier="Bit0" type="std:BOOL">
+        <Default />
+        <VisibleName name="local:TBitStringByte.Bit0">Bit0</VisibleName>
+      </Component>
+      <Component identifier="Bit1" type="std:BOOL">
+        <Default />
+        <VisibleName name="local:TBitStringByte.Bit1">Bit1</VisibleName>
+      </Component>
+      <Component identifier="Bit2" type="std:BOOL">
+        <Default />
+        <VisibleName name="local:TBitStringByte.Bit2">Bit2</VisibleName>
+      </Component>
+      <Component identifier="Bit3" type="std:BOOL">
+        <Default />
+        <VisibleName name="local:TBitStringByte.Bit3">Bit3</VisibleName>
+      </Component>
+    </BitfieldType>
+	<BitfieldType name="ControlByteSettings" basetype="std:BYTE">
+	  <Component identifier="Status LED CTRL" type="std:BOOL">
+		<Default>FALSE</Default>
+		<VisibleName>Status LED CTRL</VisibleName>
+		<Description>System status indication - TRUE: control LED0 by Control Byte; FALSE: Default LED0 function</Description>
+	  </Component>
+	  <Component identifier="StatusLEDValue" type="std:BOOL">
+		<Default>FALSE</Default>
+		<VisibleName>Status LED Value</VisibleName>
+		<Description>Only applicable if Control Byte LED CTRL set TRUE - TRUE: LED0 on; FALSE: LED0 off</Description>
+	  </Component>
+	  <Component identifier="OneWireShutdown" type="std:BOOL">
+		<Default>FALSE</Default>
+		<VisibleName>1-Wire power shutdown</VisibleName>
+		<Description>Useful for bus reset in case of freeze - TRUE: for 1-Wire bus power down; FALSE: normal operation</Description>
+	  </Component>
+	  <Component identifier="RESERVED" type="std:BOOL">
+		<Default>FALSE</Default>
+		<VisibleName>[RESERVED]</VisibleName>
+		<Description>RESERVED: Always FALSE</Description>
+	  </Component>
+	  <Component identifier="Counter1Reset" type="std:BOOL">
+		<Default>FALSE</Default>
+		<VisibleName>Counter 1 Reset</VisibleName>
+		<Description>TRUE: COUNTER1 Value reset request; FALSE: normal operation</Description>
+	  </Component>
+	  <Component identifier="Counter2Reset" type="std:BOOL">
+		<Default>FALSE</Default>
+		<VisibleName>Counter 2 Reset</VisibleName>
+		<Description>TRUE: COUNTER2 Value reset request; FALSE: normal operation</Description>
+	  </Component>
+	  <Component identifier="SignOfLife0" type="std:BOOL">
+		<Default>FALSE</Default>
+		<VisibleName>[FUTURE]</VisibleName>
+		<Description>FUTURE: Sign of Life 0/1 - should be incremented with each data transfer as 2bit number low/high bit, used by firmware as health check of SPI Master</Description>
+	  </Component>
+	  <Component identifier="SignOfLife1" type="std:BOOL">
+		<Default>FALSE</Default>
+		<VisibleName>[FUTURE]</VisibleName>
+		<Description>FUTURE: Sign of Life 0/1 - should be incremented with each data transfer as 2bit number low/high bit, used by firmware as health check of SPI Master</Description>
+	  </Component>
+	</BitfieldType>
+  </Types>
+  <Strings namespace="local">
+    <Language lang="en">
+    </Language>
+  </Strings>
+  <Files namespace="local">
+    <Language lang="en">
+	  <File fileref="local" identifier="ImageFile">
+        <LocalFile>Monarco.png</LocalFile>
+      </File>
+      <File fileref="local" identifier="Icon">
+        <LocalFile>Monarco.ico</LocalFile>
+      </File>
+    </Language>
+  </Files>
+  <Device hideInCatalogue="false" showParamsInDevDescOrder="true">>
+    <DeviceIdentification>
+      <Type>501</Type>
+      <Id>FFFF 0005</Id>
+      <Version></Version>
+    </DeviceIdentification>
+    <DeviceInfo>
+      <Name name="local:ModelName">Monarco HAT</Name>
+      <Description name="local:DeviceDescription">Monarco HAT SPI device library for Codesys</Description>
+      <Vendor name="local:VendorName">Monarco.io</Vendor>
+      <OrderNumber>-</OrderNumber>
+	<Image name="local:ImageFile">Monarco.png</Image>
+	<Icon name="local:Icon">Monarco.ico</Icon>
+    </DeviceInfo>
+    <Connector moduleType="500" interface="Raspberry.SPI" role="child" explicit="false" connectorId="1" hostpath="-1" alwaysmapping="true">
+      <InterfaceName name="local:PCI">SPI devices</InterfaceName>
+      <Slot count="1" allowEmpty="false">
+      </Slot> 
+      <DriverInfo needsBusCycle="true">	  
+        <RequiredLib libname="Monarco HAT library for Codesys" vendor="Monarco.io" version="" identifier="MonarcoLib">
+          <FBInstance basename="$(DeviceName)_Instance" fbname="IoDrvMonarco">
+            <Initialize methodName="Initialize" />
+          </FBInstance>
+        </RequiredLib>
+      </DriverInfo>
+	 <HostParameterSet>
+		<ParameterSection><!-- Mapje -->
+		  <Name name="local:GeneralParameters">General Parameters</Name>
+			<Parameter ParameterId="100" type="std:USINT">
+			  <Attributes channel="none" download="true" functional="false" onlineaccess="read" />
+			  <Default>0</Default>
+			  <Name name="local:SPI_channel">SPI master number</Name>
+			  <Description name="local:Id393218.Desc">SPI controlling device name /dev/spidev0.X</Description>
+			</Parameter>
+		</ParameterSection>
+		<ParameterSection>
+		  <Name name="local:GeneralParameters">Monarco Parameters</Name>
+			<Parameter ParameterId="1" type="std:UINT">
+			  <Attributes channel="none" download="true" functional="false" onlineaccess="read" />
+			  <Default>100</Default>
+			  <Unit>msec</Unit>
+			  <Name name="local:wd">Watchdog Time</Name>
+			  <Description>Watchdog time setting (Maximum time between two IO cycles)</Description>
+			</Parameter>
+		  	<Parameter ParameterId="10" type="local:ControlByteSettings">
+			  <Attributes channel="none" download="true" functional="false" onlineaccess="read" />
+		  	  <Default>0</Default>
+		  	  <Name name="local:ControlByteSettings">Control Byte</Name>
+			  <Description>Settings</Description>
+		    </Parameter>
+		</ParameterSection>
+		<ParameterSection>
+   	        <Name name="local:GeneralParameters">Digital In</Name>
+		  	<Parameter ParameterId="1000" type="local:TBitStringByte">
+		  	  <Attributes channel="input"/>
+		  	  <Default>0</Default>
+		  	  <Name name="local:digin">DigIn</Name>
+		  	</Parameter>
+		</ParameterSection>
+		<ParameterSection>
+		    <Name name="local:GeneralParameters">Analog In</Name>
+		  	<Parameter ParameterId="1110" type="std:WORD">
+		  	  <Attributes channel="input"/>
+		  	  <Default>0</Default>
+		      <Name name="local:ai0-raw">AI0</Name>
+		      </Parameter>
+		  	<Parameter ParameterId="1111" type="std:WORD">
+		  	  <Attributes channel="input"/>
+		  	  <Default>0</Default>
+		  	  <Name name="local:ai1-raw">AI1</Name>
+		  	</Parameter>
+		</ParameterSection>
+		<ParameterSection>
+		    <Name name="local:GeneralParameters">Digital Out</Name>
+		  	<Parameter ParameterId="2000" type="local:TBitStringByte">
+		  	  <Attributes channel="output"/>
+		  	  <Default>0</Default>
+		  	  <Name name="local:digout">DigOut</Name>
+		  	</Parameter>
+		</ParameterSection>
+		<ParameterSection>
+		    <Name name="local:GeneralParameters">Analog Out</Name>
+		  	<Parameter ParameterId="2100" type="std:WORD">
+		  	  <Attributes channel="output"/>
+		  	  <Default>0</Default>
+		  	  <Name name="local:ao0-raw">AO0</Name>
+		  </Parameter>
+		  <Parameter ParameterId="2101" type="std:WORD">
+		  	  <Attributes channel="output"/>
+		  	  <Default>0</Default>
+		  	  <Name name="local:ao1-raw">AO1</Name>
+		  	</Parameter>
+		</ParameterSection>
+      </HostParameterSet> 
+    </Connector>
+  </Device>
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