Diff of /trunk/IoDrvMonarco/v2.0.1.4/RS485 CAA SerialCOM v2.0.1.4.devdesc.xml [000000] .. [r91]  Maximize  Restore

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+++ b/trunk/IoDrvMonarco/v2.0.1.4/RS485 CAA SerialCOM v2.0.1.4.devdesc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<DeviceDescription xmlns="http://www.3s-software.com/schemas/DeviceDescription-1.0.xsd" xmlns:ts="http://www.3s-software.com/schemas/TargetSettings-0.1.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <Types namespace="local">
+  </Types>
+  <Strings namespace="local">
+    <Language lang="en">
+    </Language>
+  </Strings>
+  <Files namespace="local">
+    <Language lang="en">
+      <File fileref="local" identifier="Icon">
+        <LocalFile>RS485 SysLibCom.ico</LocalFile>
+      </File>
+    </Language>
+  </Files>
+  <Device hideInCatalogue="false">
+    <DeviceIdentification>
+      <Type>8008</Type>
+      <Id>0004 0005</Id>
+      <Version></Version>
+    </DeviceIdentification>
+    <DeviceInfo>
+      <Name name="local:ModelName">Monarco RS485 Interface</Name>
+      <Description name="local:DeviceDescription">RS485 Interface for Monarco HAT. Adds CAA SerialCom Library to your current project, see Library Manager. Written by Aliazzz</Description>
+      <Vendor name="local:VendorName">Open Source</Vendor>
+      <OrderNumber>-</OrderNumber>
+      <Icon name="local:Icon">RS485 SysLibCom.ico</Icon>
+    </DeviceInfo>
+    <Connector moduleType="8008" interface="Monarco RS485 Interface" role="child" explicit="false" connectorId="1" hostpath="-1">
+      <InterfaceName name="local:PCI">RS485 CAA SerialCOM</InterfaceName>
+      <Slot count="1" allowEmpty="false">
+      </Slot>
+      <DriverInfo needsBusCycle="false">
+        <RequiredLib libname="CAA SerialCom" vendor="CAA Technical Workgroup" version="" identifier="CAA SerialCom">
+        </RequiredLib>
+      </DriverInfo>
+    </Connector>
+  </Device>
\ No newline at end of file