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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <DeviceDescription xmlns="" xmlns:ts="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Types namespace="local"></Types> <Strings namespace="local"> <Language lang="en"></Language> </Strings> <Files namespace="local"> <Language lang="en"> <File fileref="local" identifier="Icon"> <LocalFile>SPITemperature.ico</LocalFile> </File> </Language> </Files> <Device hideInCatalogue="false"> <DeviceIdentification> <Type>501</Type> <Id>0003 0003</Id> <Version></Version> </DeviceIdentification> <DeviceInfo> <Name name="local:ModelName">SPI Temperature</Name> <Description name="local:DeviceDescription">This is a generic driver for a general purpose SPI temperature sensor (e.g. MAX31855, MAX6662, ...). They are all quite similar, but have usually different supported ranges and accuracy. So, this driver reads a 32Bit value in Raw (in case it isn't supported) and converts this with the parameters specified.</Description> <Vendor name="local:VendorName">3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH</Vendor> <OrderNumber>-</OrderNumber> <Icon name="local:Icon">SPITemperature.ico</Icon> </DeviceInfo> <Connector moduleType="500" interface="Raspberry.SPI" role="child" explicit="false" connectorId="1" hostpath="-1"> <InterfaceName name="local:PCI">SPI devices</InterfaceName> <Slot count="1" allowEmpty="false"></Slot> <DriverInfo needsBusCycle="false"> <RequiredLib libname="SPI Temperature" vendor="Public Domain" version="" identifier="SPI Temperature"> <FBInstance basename="$(DeviceName)" fbname="SPITemperature"> <Initialize methodName="Initialize" /> <CyclicCall methodname="AfterReadInputs" task="#buscycletask" whentocall="afterReadInputs" /> <CyclicCall methodname="BeforeWriteOutputs" task="#buscycletask" whentocall="beforeWriteOutputs" /> </FBInstance> </RequiredLib> </DriverInfo> <HostParameterSet> <Parameter ParameterId="1000" type="std:USINT"> <Attributes channel="none" download="true" functional="false" onlineaccess="read" /> <Default>14</Default> <Name name="local:BitWidth">Bit Width</Name> <Description name="local:BitWidthDesc">Bit width of the temperature value</Description> </Parameter> <Parameter ParameterId="1001" type="std:REAL"> <Attributes channel="none" download="true" functional="false" onlineaccess="read" /> <Default>0.25</Default> <Name name="local:Resolution">Resolution</Name> <Description name="local:ResolutionDesc">Minimal resolution in degrees</Description> </Parameter> </HostParameterSet> </Connector> </Device> </DeviceDescription>