CODESYS Forum Migration

This night, the forum migration has finished. Even during the migration, the system was already available, and quite a few people already started to use it. We heartly welcome all forum members on the new platform.

Data Conversion

We took quite a big effort in the correct conversion and migration of the data. Anyway there are always chances, that some users are not migrated or posts got corrupted. If you encounter any anomalies, please let us know throught the support tracker in the footer of the web page.

We do our best to correct it as far as it is possible on the new platform.

Quick Start

The basic handling of the new forum should be intuitive for users, who are used to our old CODESYS Forum. You will learn the differences and new features over time.

I'd recommend to start by subscribing to the forums in which you are interested. To do so, select the forum and click on the subscribe link at the top of it.

You will then get informed by E-Mail about changes.

Open Source Hosting

The Forum is just one part of CODESYS Forge. A main intent of the platform is to help developers and machine builders to collaborate on software development with CODESYS. One growing part of this newly created software is CODESYS related open source software.

So we welcome and encourage you all, to share your own drivers, projects or tools under an open source license with us.

And for sure, have fun with the new platform.

Posted by Ingo 2020-02-29

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