I'd like to ask if there is a hypotetical possibility to use this platform also to host NON-open source projects? I guess this could be achieved fairly simple.
What kind of possibilities (!) would you see for this option?
Yes, it is possible. Simply because there are many sane scenarios for that. For example think of a build repository, which contains a private key. Or you maintain a home automation lib, and want to host your private building project on the same platform.
So it is OK as long as you don't abuse the service. If you do so, we reserve us the right to delete the project or even the account.
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Yes, it is possible. Simply because there are many sane scenarios for that. For example think of a build repository, which contains a private key. Or you maintain a home automation lib, and want to host your private building project on the same platform.
So it is OK as long as you don't abuse the service. If you do so, we reserve us the right to delete the project or even the account.