niangoto - 2012-10-16

Hi there!

The situation is as follows: several slaves are connected in canopen network. Two of them send to the controller setpoint, speed and current value. The sending is done by PDOs. Moreover there is direct communication between slaves via PDOs. Configuration and mapping is done “manually” and is stored nonvolatile in each device.
Controller is configured as a master with checked option “Automatic startup”.
The problem is that Controller overwrites my optional mapping nevertheless that in the PLC Configuration / Device / CAN parameters option “No initialization” is checked.
The problem is solved when have unmarked “Automatic startup” and have set one of the participants to send NMT start message (this setting is possible). The disadvantage is that the mentioned “Master” must be last switched-on.
Finally the question is: Is it possible to do automatic startup from controller without overwriting the stored PDO mapping?