Which standard of ASCII code does the string type in Codesys V2.3 comply with? There are several standards: ISO/IEC 646 with extention for national characters. My customer says that ISO646 YU is not supported. ISO-IR 141 > (YUSCII) former Yugoslavia (Croatian, Slovene, Serbian, Bosnian). Tips look at wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_646.
But åäö is supported which is the SE extention?
sTest:='Ok å ä ö but not č Đ ';
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jhult hat geschrieben:
Which standard of ASCII code does the string type in Codesys V2.3 comply with? There are several standards: ISO/IEC 646 with extention for national characters. My customer says that ISO646 YU is not supported. ISO-IR 141 > (YUSCII) former Yugoslavia (Croatian, Slovene, Serbian, Bosnian). Tips look at wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_646.
But åäö is supported which is the SE extention?
sTest:='Ok å ä ö but not č Đ ';
Do you ultiamtely want to convert ur string into byte arre and then transfer it to some SCADA ?
Then i can help you but i dont know which format
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Which standard of ASCII code does the string type in Codesys V2.3 comply with? There are several standards: ISO/IEC 646 with extention for national characters. My customer says that ISO646 YU is not supported. ISO-IR 141 > (YUSCII) former Yugoslavia (Croatian, Slovene, Serbian, Bosnian). Tips look at wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_646.
But åäö is supported which is the SE extention?
sTest:='Ok å ä ö but not č Đ ';
Do you ultiamtely want to convert ur string into byte arre and then transfer it to some SCADA ?
Then i can help you but i dont know which format