I'm using the Wago 750-880 with the 750-650 to communicate over RS232. I'm using the serial_interface_01.lib (http://www.wago.com/wagoweb/documentati ... 10901e.htm). With this library I am able to receive data, but not sending data. This is the code I have so far:
VARÂ Â COM2Â Â Â Â :SERIAL_INTERFACE;Â Â xOpenPort2Â Â :BOOL:=TRUE;Â Â xInitPort2Â Â Â Â :BOOL;Â Â xSendActive2Â Â :BOOL;Â Â SendString2Â Â :STRING:='Msg from COM2';Â Â ReceiveBuffer2Â Â :typRing_Buffer;Â Â index:INT;END_VAR
index :=index+1;IFindex=1000THEN
  xSendActive2 :=TRUE;END_IFIFindex=2000THEN
  xSendActive2 :=FALSE;
  index :=0;END_IFCOM2(  bCOM_PORT_NR  :=2,
  (*  cbBAUDRATE    :=wBaudRate,
    cbsBYTESIZE    :=bDataBits,
    cpPARITY      :=bParity,
    cfFLOW_CONTROL  :=bFlowControl,*)
    utRECEIVE_BUFFER   :=ReceiveBuffer2,
    ptSEND_BUFFER  :=ADR(SendString2),
    xINIT      :=xInitPort2,
       xOPEN_COM_PORT   :=xOpenPort2,
    iBYTES_TO_SEND  :=LEN(SendString2)+1,
    xSTART_SEND    :=xSendActive2);
Data should be sent when xSTART_SEND is TRUE? The function block does not reset this value to FALSE.
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Hi all,
I'm using the Wago 750-880 with the 750-650 to communicate over RS232. I'm using the serial_interface_01.lib (http://www.wago.com/wagoweb/documentati ... 10901e.htm). With this library I am able to receive data, but not sending data. This is the code I have so far:
Data should be sent when xSTART_SEND is TRUE? The function block does not reset this value to FALSE.
Apparently, the module has flow control enabled.... So it works now.
if this counter is used as a type of counter then better use a task, you can time it.
and check if buffer empty before putting data in to buffer.