Anonymous - 2010-12-15

Originally created by: 89268965185

Correct me if I made mistakes in terms or in substance.
How to declare variables that I want to receive and transmit to the network (for example LON)? Throw a code example please.

As far as I understand from the manual storage area that is preserved under the required network begins with a 256 word (type word) and ends 511 words. Therefore, if I want to declare a variable that will be transmitted to the network, the code is as follows:
for entering variables:
bI AT% IX256.0: BOOL; ( for the logical type )
dI AT% ID129: DWORD; ( for double-word type )
outgoing variables: bI1 AT% IX256.0: BOOL;
bQ AT% QX256.0: BOOL; ( for the logical type )
dQ AT% QD129: DWORD; ( for double-word type )

Controller: wago 750-819
ctnm: Network LON. The controller has a slot that is in the description called FieldBus conection, it is through this connector and connect the network.