Excluding objects from compiling

  • timmf - 2009-04-07


    in projects with large libraries (e.g. oscat), the max. amount of objects is reached. When I try to exclude unused objects from the compilation (Project->Options->Objekte ausschliessen->Unbenutzte ausschliessen), the button "Unbenutzte ausschliessen" is sometimes grayed out and not usable.

    Why is it like that, and how can I bypass this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Romuald - 2010-04-09

    timmf hat geschrieben:
    in projects with large libraries (e.g. oscat), the max. amount of objects is reached. When I try to exclude unused objects from the compilation (Project->Options->Objekte ausschliessen->Unbenutzte ausschliessen), the button "Unbenutzte ausschliessen" is sometimes grayed out and not usable.
    Why is it like that, and how can I bypass this?
    Thanks in advance.

    First, change maximum BF for compilation in Target Configuration/Memory.

    When compilation goes to the end, you can modify the check box 'not compile'.

    You can also use the button "exclude unused" to optimize.

    When the check box 'not compile' is gray, It means that there is POU used and other unused. You can check or uncheck it.

    After this you can reduce and set the previous value of maximum BF in Target Configuration.

    Sorry I'm not sure for CoDeSys label/menu in the interface. I have a french version.

  • timmf - 2010-04-09

    Thanks for the answer, Romuald.


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