Target problem

  • fatmir - 2016-05-20


    I got the program. When I want to open, target returns an error. Program was written by another programmer.
    I do not have problems making himself write.

    best regards

    IMG: error3.jpg

    IMG: Library manager.jpg

    IMG: error4.jpg

    IMG: error target.jpg

  • shooter - 2016-05-30

    you will have to find the target file and put the hardware configuration to it. (however you can load and edit the program without it. it defines where the I/O is.
    the libs , some are open, and free available, some will have to be bought.
    just google them and you will find several on the codesys site.

  • fatmir - 2016-06-01

    Ok. I solved the problem.I got it from programmer the target, and I installed.

    IMG: 3.Target.jpg

    IMG: 4.Target.jpg


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