The VAR_INPUT stDirEntry for the function SysDirRead

  • kberlin - 2008-06-24


    I'm wondering how it's possible for the function SysDirRead in the library SysLibDir to write to the VAR_INPUT variable stDirEntry.

    Best regards,

    Kristian Berlin

  • Ralph Holz - 2008-06-24

    Hi Kristian,

    thats a interesting question. I also didn't belive it but it works. So I asked arround and got the following answer:

    In Version 3 strings in input sections functions a generally handled as references to the variable. Means for strings it works like VarInOut.

    Best regards


    By the way do you join us in July?

  • kberlin - 2008-06-24

    Hello Ralph,

    I was trying it in version 2.3 though.

    Yes, I am glad to say that I'm coming to Kempten in July.

    Best regards,


  • Ralph Holz - 2008-06-24

    Sorry I wrote nonsense. It works in Version 2 like discribed in Version 3 you have to use VarInOut a reference or pointer to do such things.


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