Function Block internal memory allocation

  • chadp - 2011-11-21

    Im on a Wago 750-873 if that matters...

    I have a 'Logger' function block with some actions... push(new), pop(last), index(number), and a good amount of memory utilized as arrays. My "issue" is declaring the size of my Logger. It seems arrays don't like to be created dynamically, but using a constant means I have to create a 'Logger' function block for each potential sized Log (one class for 200 logs, one class for 500 logs,...)

    Is there any way (without using malloc), that I could work this out in the declaration and call some kind of constructor that sets the logger size. I think not, but it would be a lot cooler if I could


  • shooter - 2011-12-02

    no arrays are not dynamic as it must know the size beforehand to write other arrays next to it.
    however you can do it on a usb stick or other memory. Here they are cut in pieces and you could do the same, but it is not advicable.


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