the version of at least one library has changed .. which ?

  • pnn - 2012-08-03


    if I copy a Codesys 2.3 project from PC1 to PC2, and then open it on PC2, I quite often see a message like "The version of at least one library has changed.." or alike.
    Sometimes after such message, a project that compiles without errors on PC1, compiles with errors on PC2.
    Is there a way to know the versions of which libraries exactly do not match ?
    Indeed I can find this the hard way, comparing .lib versions / sizes / timestamps etc. But for a project with lots of .lib's that's quite time consuming procedure. Is there an easier way?


  • shooter - 2012-08-03

    version numbers are in the library window.

    and why use so many libs?
    yes i realise when using communications they have for every bit another lib.


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