Is there any way to define an IEC non stored action that is activated after some condition like:
IF IN THEN OUT:=TRUE END_IF inside a ST action definition named condOUT defined as an N action activated by some Step?
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By the way, I know you can split that into a transition IN that activates the Setp containing the N action OUT, but I want to activate a group of sequential actions after a common initial transition to reduce the lenght of the SFC - IEC diagram
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Is there any way to define an IEC non stored action that is activated after some condition like:
IF IN THEN OUT:=TRUE END_IF inside a ST action definition named condOUT defined as an N action activated by some Step?
By the way, I know you can split that into a transition IN that activates the Setp containing the N action OUT, but I want to activate a group of sequential actions after a common initial transition to reduce the lenght of the SFC - IEC diagram