Chancheing the values for e.g. Initialize modem is done by a double-click to the value and typing in a new one. Changeing the Port, Baudrate,.. is done by simply double-click to the value once on each following double-click the value is changed.
The folowing link from Wago describes a connection via modem.
Hallo everybody,
Can I set a communication parameter , I mean baud rate and so
and can Using a modem connection to go on line in remote way ?
thank you
generally the communication settings are done
--> Online--> Communication Parameters
select New and chose Serial(Modem)
Chancheing the values for e.g. Initialize modem is done by a double-click to the value and typing in a new one. Changeing the Port, Baudrate,.. is done by simply double-click to the value once on each following double-click the value is changed.
The folowing link from Wago describes a connection via modem.
Last but not least I attached a 3s dokument for using a modem (but sorry it's written in german)
I hope that helps
Fernwartung mit seriellem Modem.pdf [177.87 KiB]