Communication between CoDeSys SP and Windows XP application

  • cmbillo - 2009-10-13


    I'm starting some testing with CoDeSys.

    Let me explain my problem:

    I have an application that executes a CANopen Master as a Windows XP process. The

    CANopen Master communicates with a CAN controller on a card (designed by us) through a Windows XP device driver.

    My question is: What's the best way to communicate

    a Windows application and an application (IEC 61131-3) running on CoDeSys runtime?

    In my test, the CANopen Master application has two

    buffers (receive and transmit PDOs) in memory. How do I access the buffers in my windows application (CANopen Master).

    Any suggestions on what I could use to do this?

    Dll, Shared Memory, I / O driver, lib, etc.?

    Could you please send me an example about this?

    Any help is appreciated.



  • cmbillo - 2009-10-29

    Hi TimvH!

    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards,


    TimvH hat geschrieben:
    I would advise to use the PLCHandler. See This is not free of charge.


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