Hello, i'm working with a Canopen bus with HMI TRs-VPCT-12 as the master and 2 or 3 Can controller WAGO 750-837
My communication is operational everthing is fine with it.
But i want to check as often is possible the Status of the Node and the Master, i found the variable :
pCanopenMaster[0].nStatus and pCanopenNode [0/1/2..].nStatus.
Those INT give me information about: operational mode (value =5), pre-operational (value=3) and every other value mean an error in my programm.
So i tought it will work fine but i saw that my "Watch CanBus programm" work only when the programm go to RUN...
Then when the status come at value "5", every pyhsical break of the bus or shutdown of controller dont affect again the ***.nStatus !!!!!!!
How is it possible to watch the Canopen bus status permanently ?
I know that communication is good because it have many security, it may be a solution !
Thank you for attention and sorry for my english (i'm a student an living in Suisse... )
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Hello, i'm working with a Canopen bus with HMI TRs-VPCT-12 as the master and 2 or 3 Can controller WAGO 750-837
My communication is operational everthing is fine with it.
But i want to check as often is possible the Status of the Node and the Master, i found the variable :
pCanopenMaster[0].nStatus and pCanopenNode [0/1/2..].nStatus.
Those INT give me information about: operational mode (value =5), pre-operational (value=3) and every other value mean an error in my programm.
So i tought it will work fine but i saw that my "Watch CanBus programm" work only when the programm go to RUN...
Then when the status come at value "5", every pyhsical break of the bus or shutdown of controller dont affect again the ***.nStatus !!!!!!!
How is it possible to watch the Canopen bus status permanently ?
I know that communication is good because it have many security, it may be a solution !
Thank you for attention and sorry for my english (i'm a student an living in Suisse... )