Import Visualizations to New Project

  • j.lauer - 2014-10-23

    I'm new to Codesys and was wondering if there was a way to import a visualization created in one project to another project.

    I've tried using the export function, but I'm not sure how to open that .exp file in a new project.



    JAPIB - 2014-10-23


    From v2 application to a V2 implementation is relatively simple .

    Original project : Project -> Import, then you select the visualization you want to export in the explorer that appears, then you specify where to place this file (important).

    New project : Project -> Import, then you select the file xx.EXP you want to import. Then OK. And visualization is placed in the display tab of the Project Explorer.

    Whenever a file is imported xxx.EXP content is automatically placed into the correct tabs project

    Best regards

  • shooter - 2014-10-30

    only export the visualisation

    start a new project, or use an existing one.
    project import this exp file that is all.

    another way is to use libraries.


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