I have a programable gateway with RFID, and RS232 modul. I would like to send the RFID data to PLC on RS232. In the FB of the RFID In/Output has a 'ARRAY [1..1024] OF BYTE' variables and the RS232 input has 'POINTER TO ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE'. Can I send the data between this 2 module with any byte converter?
Does anyone have any experience?
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I do not quite get what you are looking for, do you want to convert an ARRAY [1..1024] OF BYTE to a POINTER TO ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE ?
in that case it is not just a conversion, a pointer is not a type its a link to another variable so it only holds the memory address of the variable that it links to.
(isnt it possible to change the array 0..7 to 0..1023 or 1..1024?)
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this is only one way!!!!, you have to rewrite a part to do it the other way as well
you can use a conversion function block like this:
(warning test this extensively, it worked when i tested it)
  abyInput:ARRAY [1..1024] OFBYTE; (*a = array by = byte for easyer reading code*)
  byCounter:BYTE; (*possible values 0..127  0 represents the first 8 bytes of the 1024 array and 127 represents the last 8 bytes of the 1024 array*)END_VARVAR_OUTPUT
  abyOutput: ARRAY [0..7] OFBYTE;END_VARVAR
  i:INT;END_VAR(*enddeclaration*)FORi:=0TO7DO(*0..7toread8bytesoutofthe1024array. Therearealsodirtytickstogetridofthefor-loop, butthissolutionistheeasyesttoread*)
  abyOutput[i]:=abyInput[(byCounter*8)+i+1];          (* byCounter*8 calculate the offset with the given 8 bytes to read +i is to cycle though the 8 bytes in the array +1 is to compensate for the startposition of 1*)END_FORPROGRAMPLC_PRG(*MAINPROGRAM(JUSTFORATEST)*)VAR
  byaTest: ARRAY[1..1024] OFBYTE;
  0: (*somedataitothetestarray*)
      byaTest[i]:=INT_TO_BYTE(i); (*values will get strange after 255*)
  1: (*readdata(ireaditbackintoan1024array*)
      pbyaTest(*thisisthepointeroftheFB*):=ADR(conv.abyOutput); (*set the pointer to the address of the output*)
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I tested the program, and it worked alone. After I imported to my project, and make a program onject from the FB (when you sent).
This prg name is CONVERT2. I set up the convert2 input to [CH_0_TXREF] adress (than I want to be send), and output to [RStxData] memory adress.
This adress type is ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE, like the abyOutput type. But the FB (BLxx1RSxxx_FB) input seems to be like a POINTER OF ARRAY... type adress.
I send it to my screenshot about the program, I'll hope you look averything, that you need. If you have any time to look this, than I 'll thank you so much.
Best regards,
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edit: I didn't see the image the first time I looked, the poblem is you try to convert a 0..7 array to a 0..7 pointer array.
the solution is to send the address of the 0..7 array to the FB.
in structured text it lookes like this: ptTXdata:=ADR(RStxData);
Is it possible to get the program including the function blocks you use (or the library), so i can take a crack at it
I still don't know in what direction you want to send the data, from 1..1024 array to 0..7 array, the other way around or both ways. The function block i send you is only for 1..1024 array to 0..7 array
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Thank You, durring I fix the variables, because I gave a wrong value of the output variable, and now fine. Just I don't near at net, and don't answer for u.
Thank you again,
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Oh, yes, the image. I see in my pc, but don't found in other pc. Sorry, that was a screenshot from the plc_prgogram trunk, visibles the in/out variables. Never mind!
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I have a programable gateway with RFID, and RS232 modul. I would like to send the RFID data to PLC on RS232. In the FB of the RFID In/Output has a 'ARRAY [1..1024] OF BYTE' variables and the RS232 input has 'POINTER TO ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE'. Can I send the data between this 2 module with any byte converter?
Does anyone have any experience?
I do not quite get what you are looking for, do you want to convert an ARRAY [1..1024] OF BYTE to a POINTER TO ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE ?
in that case it is not just a conversion, a pointer is not a type its a link to another variable so it only holds the memory address of the variable that it links to.
(isnt it possible to change the array 0..7 to 0..1023 or 1..1024?)
I see, thx.
That case, have I chance to fix this problem?
Because the FB, like BLxx_1RSxxx_FB, TX and RX type 're "POINTER ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE" types. Can I modify any types or that FB inputs 're fix?
Sorry for my questions, it possible not correct, but I'm a new in this theme.
this is only one way!!!!, you have to rewrite a part to do it the other way as well
you can use a conversion function block like this:
(warning test this extensively, it worked when i tested it)
I'll test it, and very thanks for your help, and time.
I tested the program, and it worked alone. After I imported to my project, and make a program onject from the FB (when you sent).
This prg name is CONVERT2. I set up the convert2 input to [CH_0_TXREF] adress (than I want to be send), and output to [RStxData] memory adress.
This adress type is ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE, like the abyOutput type. But the FB (BLxx1RSxxx_FB) input seems to be like a POINTER OF ARRAY... type adress.
I send it to my screenshot about the program, I'll hope you look averything, that you need. If you have any time to look this, than I 'll thank you so much.
Best regards,
edit: I didn't see the image the first time I looked, the poblem is you try to convert a 0..7 array to a 0..7 pointer array.
the solution is to send the address of the 0..7 array to the FB.
in structured text it lookes like this: ptTXdata:=ADR(RStxData);
Is it possible to get the program including the function blocks you use (or the library), so i can take a crack at it
I still don't know in what direction you want to send the data, from 1..1024 array to 0..7 array, the other way around or both ways. The function block i send you is only for 1..1024 array to 0..7 array
Thank You, durring I fix the variables, because I gave a wrong value of the output variable, and now fine. Just I don't near at net, and don't answer for u.
Thank you again,
Oh, yes, the image. I see in my pc, but don't found in other pc. Sorry, that was a screenshot from the plc_prgogram trunk, visibles the in/out variables. Never mind!