Can I save the current values of all variables to a file?

  • pnn - 2013-01-13


    is there a way to save the current values of all the variables to a file inside the PLC?

    I have a system with a Codesys 2.3 PLC and a touchscreen panel, no PC around.
    I want, if some unexpected behavior occurs, to dump the internal PLC state to a file stored inside the PLC itself, which I can later upload and examine. This file should contain the current values of all the variables declared in the project in a given moment.
    Is there a relatively easy way to do that?

    I know I can create a POU that can query all the values, but the project is quite big with tons of variables, FB instances etc. Creating such a POU would be a nightmare, so I'm looking for an easier way to do it.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

  • shooter - 2013-01-14

    use retain


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