Send email through outlook account

  • pethun - 2020-11-09

    Hi all

    I'm trying to send email through my outlook account but it doesent work. I'm using the example project "mail service SL example" but for some reason it doesen't work. I use '', port=587 but I get error code error_check_result_failed 5023?

    Has any anyone got the library “Mail Service” in IIoT Libraries SL to work with Outlook as mail server?

    I made asmall python script and then it works but not through codesys and the library.

    Please help? All answers is highly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-11-09

    Hi, I don't think anyone has gotten it to work recently with outlook, because STARTTLS is not supported yet by Mail Service SL. I know Gmail still supports plain old TLS, same as Yahoo. Just check the rules about business use.

    • pethun - 2020-11-10

      Ok i-campbell
      Thanks for your reply:So then I will not waste any more time to have email to work together with Outlook as server. Also I thing it's of no use trying with gmail since this is also well protected against use as being used as a spam SMTP server. Will try using Mailtrap to verify that my emails are comming through.

      Again Thanks

  • pethun - 2020-11-10

    As a try for clarification and beter understanding. I've tested the library “Mail Service” in IIoT Libraries SL a bit further with Mailtrap and it seems that you can't use TLS checkbox within any of the ports 25, 587, 465 or 2525? Is this related to that the STARTTLS protocol isn't yet supported? Sorry for my ignorance?

    Any help or guidance about TLS “Mail Service” in IIoT Libraries SL appreciated?

    Thanks in advance

  • pethun - 2020-11-13

    OK Verified
    Don't use TLS with “Mail Service” in IIoT Libraries SL. It will not work. Tested with Mailtrap.

    Any comment that as a better knowledge aobout TLS?
    Thanks in advance.


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