fabri-z - 2013-09-25

I'm trying to access to errors (emcy messages) from slave nodes

from the Canopen for 3s runtime system manual i read:

EmcyMsg : CAN_Message; ( Last emergency message received from the node.)

aEmcyMsg : ARRAY[0..7] OF CAN_Message; ( <Here the last 8 emergency messages received by the node, will be stored.
aEmcyMsg[0] contains the most recently received and thus latest emergency message.

i can read EmcyMsg but not aEmcyMsg
this variable ( aEmcyMsg ) don't exist

how i can read a list of emcy messages like aEmcyMsg? in case of 2 or more errors at the same time with EmcyMsg ypou can't get the second error

Thanks in advance