Build Error 3555 on Codesys/TwinCAT

  • t.lundahl - 2010-06-30


    I got a build error when I made a PRG with a IN_OUT var and of course put it in a task.

    There is no problem useing a IN var, I have even seen it recomended here on the codesys forum.

    Why would this not be allowed?


  • shooter - 2010-06-30

    probably your type of program is wrong.

    in_out can be used in blocks and subs not in prg.

  • t.lundahl - 2010-07-01

    Hi Shooter!

    Yes you can use IN_OUT in PRG, I just did.

    What I suppose to do was to have a INPUT(PRG), a MAIN(PRG) and OUTPUT(PRG). And then like a tunnel use a IN_OUT (struct) between MAIN and INPUT and OUTPUT. I placed all the programs in a standard task.

    Here is where a made the wrong. If I only use MAIN in the task it works and in MAIN, I call up the input and output program with the IN_OUT structure.



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