How does codesys handle CAN Open EDS Files???

  • jking22 - 2006-07-26

    I have an eds file that when imported into Codesys, doesn't allow me to assign variable names to PDO Messages.

    I have compared the problem eds file to a similar device, however I can't find the field that makes the different.

    PDO_Mapping_Issue.doc [235 KiB]

  • spfeif - 2009-06-18

    From your screen shot you highlighted the PDO communication properties not the mappable objects?

    If you are asking of the PDO properties the properties for a RX PDO start at 1400xh and TX PDO properties start at 1800xh . If the variable AccessType=RO then then you can not change the property. This is why your PDO properties is greyed out.

    If you are asking of the actual mappable data to the PDO then those start at RX mapping 1600xh and TX mapping start at 1A00xh. The variable there that states whether they can be mapped is PDOMapping=0 not mappable, PDOMapping= 1 mappable. I am not 100% sure though on this last paragraph. You will have to test this.


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