I guess, TwinCAT can't be configured for your task. The problem is that TwinCAT PLC Control doesn't have enough functionality for creating network variables. I had the same task but couldn't realize it using network variables.
If you have to program one of your devices using CoDeSys and the other one using TwinCAT you ought to use special FBs which create Modbus TCP/UDP connection. In order to do this for Beckhoff CX you can use FB_MBReadRegs and FB_MBWriteRegs (see code):
VAR  fbModbusRead:FB_MBReadRegs;  arrData:ARRAY[1..50]OFDINT;  bError:BOOL;END_VARfbModbusRead(  sIPAddr:='',  nTCPPort:=502,  nUnitID:=16#FF,  nQuantity:=100,  nMBAddr:=0,  cbLength:=200,  pDestAddr:=ADR(arrData),  bExecute:=TRUE,  tTimeout:=t#1s,  bBUSY=>,  bError=>bError,  nErrId=>);
But! There is another way to create a connection. A few months ago I spoke to Beckhoff engineers in Moscow office. They created and downloaded an XML-file into my CX9010, so that I could easily create a connection between CX and another CoDeSys programmed PLC. In this case I used very simple code for CX:
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unknown hat geschrieben:
I guess, TwinCAT can't be configured for your task. The problem is that TwinCAT PLC Control doesn't have enough functionality for creating network variables. I had the same task but couldn't realize it using network variables.
If you have to program one of your devices using CoDeSys and the other one using TwinCAT you ought to use special FBs which create Modbus TCP/UDP connection. In order to do this for Beckhoff CX you can use FB_MBReadRegs and FB_MBWriteRegs (see code):
VAR  fbModbusRead:FB_MBReadRegs;  arrData:ARRAY[1..50]OFDINT;  bError:BOOL;END_VARfbModbusRead(  sIPAddr:='',  nTCPPort:=502,  nUnitID:=16#FF,  nQuantity:=100,  nMBAddr:=0,  cbLength:=200,  pDestAddr:=ADR(arrData),  bExecute:=TRUE,  tTimeout:=t#1s,  bBUSY=>,  bError=>bError,  nErrId=>);
But! There is another way to create a connection. A few months ago I spoke to Beckhoff engineers in Moscow office. They created and downloaded an XML-file into my CX9010, so that I could easily create a connection between CX and another CoDeSys programmed PLC. In this case I used very simple code for CX:
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I have tried UDP between two Codesys targets and it works good.
Can any one clarify whether it is possible to exchange data (Network variables) between Codesys target and TwinCAT controller-CX over UDP?
If Yes, then how shall TwinCAT be configured?
I guess, TwinCAT can't be configured for your task. The problem is that TwinCAT PLC Control doesn't have enough functionality for creating network variables. I had the same task but couldn't realize it using network variables.
If you have to program one of your devices using CoDeSys and the other one using TwinCAT you ought to use special FBs which create Modbus TCP/UDP connection. In order to do this for Beckhoff CX you can use FB_MBReadRegs and FB_MBWriteRegs (see code):
But! There is another way to create a connection. A few months ago I spoke to Beckhoff engineers in Moscow office. They created and downloaded an XML-file into my CX9010, so that I could easily create a connection between CX and another CoDeSys programmed PLC. In this case I used very simple code for CX:
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But! There is another way to create a connection. A few months ago I spoke to Beckhoff engineers in Moscow office. They created and downloaded an XML-file into my CX9010, so that I could easily create a connection between CX and another CoDeSys programmed PLC. In this case I used very simple code for CX: