monitoring mulitple PLC's via TCP/IP

  • dtr - 2008-05-07

    Greetings everyone,

    I am logging in an monitoring multiple projects (3 at the moment) running on three different PLC's using a network hub. Once I start running I lose communication after a period of time (< 15 - 20 s) to one of the PLC's. All 3 applications are running fine, just no communications (LOGIN) to one of them. Any ideas or is this not possible due to limitations of TCP/IP or CoDeSys?


  • bobtr1 - 2008-07-22


    I am monitoring 3 PLC's using CoDeSys on this computer as I write this with no trouble. I sometimes monitor 5.

    There's no problem with CoDeSys or TCP/IP. It may be that you're using a hub. I found that using a switch insteadof a hub works better.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2008-08-12

    Make sure all devices have different IP adresses.

  • KiranK - 2012-03-15

    TimvH hat geschrieben:
    Make sure all devices have different IP adresses.

    I just wanted to know what are the limitations of TCP or UDP protocol:
    No of bytes for each frame
    No of nodes
    and other limitations if any .


  • shooter - 2012-03-15

    does this mean you have 3 instances of codesys running on the PC?
    yes that is a bit much.
    better use visualisation or ODP.


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