I have a project in school where we have to program a oil separator. The program has 5 different alarms. The control of the separator has only one alarm led and therefore we would like this alarm led to make different blinking sequences so the specific alarm is know to the operator. We have tried the "Blink" function blok but with little luck. The blinking sequency we would like to be like: on for 5 sec. and then short blinking of maybe ½ sec. and then 5 sec continous on again. illustrated: --------------- 5sec ()-()-()-() ---------------- 5sec
Hope you can help us.
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PROGRAMPLC_PRGVAR  Timer_LED_On      :TON;  Timer_Led_Off      :TON;  Timer_five_Sec_Pause  :TON;  LED_Output        :BOOL;  Start_Blink_seq      :BOOL;  Alarm_counter      :BYTE;  Alarm_Type        :BYTE;END_VAR
The code...
(* Activation of 5 sec. timer *)Timer_five_Sec_Pause(IN:=TRUE,PT:=T#5s);(* After 5 sec. activate the blink function. *)IFTimer_Five_Sec_Pause.Q=TRUETHEN  Start_Blink_Seq:=TRUE;END_IF(* How many blinks will we have on the LED? *)Alarm_Type:=3;(* For instance 3 blinks every 5 sec... *)(* Here is the sequence for the blinking... Checking if the 5 sec. timer has been reached *)(* Also checking if the alarmtype is more than 0. 0= No alarm = No blinking *)IF(Start_Blink_seq=TRUE)AND(Alarm_Type>0)THEN  (* First we activate the timer to lighten up the LED *)  Timer_LED_On(IN:=TRUE,PT:=T#250ms);  IFTimer_LED_On.Q=TRUETHEN    (* counting how many times the LED has been blinking *)    IFLED_Output=FALSETHENAlarm_counter:=Alarm_Counter+1;END_IF    (* Activation of the LED e.g DigitalOut1 *)    LED_Output:=TRUE;    (* When the LED is on we starting the timer to turn it off *)    Timer_Led_Off(IN:=TRUE,PT:=T#250ms);    IFTimer_LED_Off.Q=TRUETHEN      (* Turning off the LED *)      LED_Output:=FALSE;      (* Resetting both timers for on and off *)      Timer_LED_On(IN:=FALSE);      Timer_LED_Off(IN:=FALSE);      (* Also checking if we have blinked enough... *)      IFAlarm_Counter>=Alarm_TypeTHEN        (* Resetting the 5 sec. timer... *)        Timer_Five_sec_Pause(IN:=FALSE);        (* Setting the routine to false and waiting for the 5 sec. timer again *)        Start_Blink_Seq:=FALSE;        (* Resetting the counter for how many blinks that we had been doing with the LED. *)        Alarm_Counter:=0;      END_IF    END_IF  END_IFEND_IF
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I have a project in school where we have to program a oil separator. The program has 5 different alarms. The control of the separator has only one alarm led and therefore we would like this alarm led to make different blinking sequences so the specific alarm is know to the operator. We have tried the "Blink" function blok but with little luck. The blinking sequency we would like to be like: on for 5 sec. and then short blinking of maybe ½ sec. and then 5 sec continous on again. illustrated: --------------- 5sec ()-()-()-() ---------------- 5sec
Hope you can help us.
please find a small solution attached. Surely there are a hundred of other solutions possible .
I hope this helps you nevertheless
blinker_test.pro [31.64 KiB]
Here is a code for your project in ST.
you could easly do an function_block for this...
The code...