Numerical Keypad

  • ScottJones - 2013-05-08

    I working on a project using the numerical Keypad in CodeSys 3.5 visulation program. I can get the Keypad to appear on the screen, and the value that the variable is already set to is written tokeypad input box. But when I enter a new value and press OK, the value does not get written to the variable I want edit and the keypad does not close. On a mouse down event I am using the Write Variable option and picking the Numerical Keypad as the Edit method. Any thoughts or ideas on the problem would be appreciated.

  • shooter - 2013-05-13

    your variable is updated somewhere else, just make a new variable for this input and use it only once as input the rest as output.

  • ScottJones - 2013-05-23

    Found the answer. At the beginning of my project I thought I has would need to make my own visualization for a numerical keypad and created a visualization named Numpad. I never used it but did not delete it after I figured out how to use the keypad function built into CodeSys. When I added a mouse down event to write a variable using the Numpad, it did not like that I had a visualization called Numpad. As soon as I deleted the visualization the keypad worked fine.


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