We have build a machine with a Festo PLC (V2.3). This machine is installed at a customer site. Any person with Codesys V2.3 installed on his PC, can upload the source code from this PLC. Their seems to be no password protection on the sourcecode which has been uploaded.
How can we prevent this?
Thanks for any suggestions.
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Originally created by: DavidVanDerLinden
We have build a machine with a Festo PLC (V2.3). This machine is installed at a customer site. Any person with Codesys V2.3 installed on his PC, can upload the source code from this PLC. Their seems to be no password protection on the sourcecode which has been uploaded.
How can we prevent this?
Thanks for any suggestions.
they can not upload the source code as it is compiled on the PC.
and you can password protect, evry stage of operation.