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  • Moderator3S

    Moderator3S - 2016-12-19

    you need to change the CODESYS Control Win under Windows Services to Startup type: Automatic

    IMG: AutostartControlWin.jpg

  • Moderator3S

    Moderator3S - 2017-03-07

    If you work with an own created SD Images including all your Installation and CODESYS runtime so the procedure is:

    1. Master Image from original PI – is lincensed or unlicensed no matter
    2. Generate an SD Image of it
    3. on 2. Pi – after 1. Bootup delete the content of /root/cmactlicense/ or since 3.5SP12 Β /var/opt/codesys/cmact_licenses/
    4. restart plc by reboot
      a. or better sudo /et/init.d/codesyscontrol stop
      b. or better sudo /et/init.d/codesyscontrol start
      Now an empty SoftContainer for the new device (you new Pi has a different Serial number) is available
    5. now license the this PI

    Backup now the file CMLicenseNew.WibuCMRaU this is your update file for the PI – could use this to restore the license at any time to this PI where you pull out this file.
    (Use CODESYS File browser for doing this)

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