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Is there something on Codesys that's equivalent to Add On Instructions (AOI) in Studio 5000?

  • harinator - 2022-06-17


    I have a Driver from Oriental Motors (PN#AZD-AEP) for a linear slide motor. I'm able to connect to the driver through Codesys and read/set data, but the Supplier seems to have documentation only for Studio 5000. The actual Jog operation makes use of Add on Instructions which I cannot find in Codesys. Is there a way to do it manually? I might be missing something really obvious here (I'm a Beginner in PLC programming)


  • ndzied2 - 2022-06-17

    Yes there is. You would create a Function Block. It is pretty much equivalent to an AOI.

    Here is a video I made showing the use of function blocks in CoDeSys.


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