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Retentive variables and ModbusTCP

  • prplxr - 2016-09-19


    I'm new to this forum so forgive if I posted this wrong.

    I have a Magelis GTO display connected to a PAC320 PLC over ModbusTCP. I have a few settings stored in variables in the PLC that I want to be retentive. I've put them in a persistant variables list and flagged them with RETAIN and PERSISTENT. Every time I brake the power and then switch it back on again the display overwrites the old values. How can I resolve this?

    Best regards
    Christian Lundahl

  • prplxr - 2016-09-19

    I resolved this by storing each variable in the HMI in a separate variable copy on data change. I then load the values from the copies on startup.


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