I've written the following code in python for my raspberry pi to read a SI7021 temp + humidity sensor:
\#---SI7021 CLASS---#fromsmbus2importSMBus,i2c_msg,SMBusWrapperimporttimeclasstemp_humid:  """My class to handle the readings from the SI7021 temp humid sensor  """  def__init__(self):    self.address=0x40    self.humidityCommand=0xF5    self.tempCommand=0xE0    self.temp_value=None    self.humidity_value=None  defhumidity_temp_set(self):    """Sends command to read humidity. Then reads humidity with a pause between the two bytes.    Temperature then reads as a temp reading is taken by the sensor for compensation for humidity reading    """    #---HUMIDITY I2C WRITE READ---#    withSMBusWrapper(1)asbus:      self.humidity_write=i2c_msg.write(self.address,[self.humidityCommand])      self.humidity_read=i2c_msg.read(self.address,2)      bus.i2c_rdwr(self.humidity_write)      time.sleep(0.25)      bus.i2c_rdwr(self.humidity_read)    #---TEMP I2C WRITE READ---#    withSMBusWrapper(1)asbus:      self.temp_write=i2c_msg.write(self.address,[self.tempCommand])      self.temp_read=i2c_msg.read(self.address,2)      bus.i2c_rdwr(self.temp_write)      bus.i2c_rdwr(self.temp_read)  defhumidity_get(self):    """Carries out the maths for the humidity reading and returns it in %    """    #---HUMIDITY VALUE EDITING---#    humidity_byte_list=list(self.humidity_read)    humidity_MSB=humidity_byte_list[0]    humidity_LSB=humidity_byte_list[1]    humidity_word=(humidity_MSB<<8)+humidity_LSB    self.humidity_value=((125.0*humidity_word)/65536.0)-6    returnround(self.humidity_value,2)  deftemp_get(self):    """Carries out the maths for the temperature reading and returns it in DegC    """    #---TEMPERATURE VALUE EDITIING---#    temp_byte_list=list(self.temp_read)    temp_MSB=temp_byte_list[0]    temp_LSB=temp_byte_list[1]    temp_word=(temp_MSB<<8)+temp_LSB    self.temp_value=((175.72*temp_word)/65536)-46.85    returnround(self.temp_value,2)
I'm looking to create something similar using the i2c function blocks provided for the pi SL Codesys. I've read the read-me which seems to be a little vague. Can I do it without having to write a device description or can I just build it with the FB's? I'd appreciate anyone that can steer me in the right direction!
Hi Folks.
I've written the following code in python for my raspberry pi to read a SI7021 temp + humidity sensor:
I'm looking to create something similar using the i2c function blocks provided for the pi SL Codesys. I've read the read-me which seems to be a little vague. Can I do it without having to write a device description or can I just build it with the FB's? I'd appreciate anyone that can steer me in the right direction!
Thanks in advance.
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